Throughout the history of Phillis Wheatley Community Center, the gymnasium has been a special place for sports, events, and performances. Many alumni will remember playing basketball at the center.
“The center was a place for all of us to go and play basketball, but it was teaching us more than how to play a game. We learned discipline, respect, resiliency, and teamwork. These are all critical life skills,” said Randy Jackson, executive director of Phillis Wheatley Community Center.

Today, senior and youth basketball, adult pickleball, senior line dancing, performances from our Repertory Theatre, summer camp, and community events keep the gym very busy. In fact, it is the biggest and busiest space on the center’s two-building campus. Unfortunately, all that activity means a lot of wear and tear on the floors.
Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving – a day when people work together to amplify their donations and give to non–profits they are passionate about. This year, Giving Tuesday is November 28th. If you’re busy that day, go ahead and donate now to be counted on Giving Tuesday! With your help, we will reach our goal of $24,000.00.
Since GivingTuesday relies on the limitless potential of social media, don’t forget to follow us on social media and share why you give, tag us and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday and #PhillisWheatleyGVL.
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